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While sex addiction is difficult to define, the condition often involves behaviors that begin to influence an individual's life in a negative way. This is often because the behaviors become so excessive. If you are living with sex addiction or know somebody else who is, understanding the condition can be a major help.

Is Sex Addiction the Same as Pornography Addiction?

Actually, the two are somewhat different though they may exhibit similar symptoms. Sex addiction may encompass an addiction to pornography, but porn addiction is not necessarily sex addiction.

Sex addiction may include a variety of other addictions, in fact. They include addiction to prostitution, masturbation, exhibitionism, and sometimes even masochistic behavior. These behaviors may have an ultimately negative effect on an individual's life.

What Are the Signs of Sex Addiction?

Sex addiction has several emotional side effects. People with this addiction may feel they are becoming very close and intimate with other people in a sexual manner, even if they do not know them very well. Sex addicts also often stay in relationships that are not healthy or fulfilling because they fear being alone. At the same time, they may actively hurt the people they are in relationships with.

Other emotional side effects include intense guilt or shame, often leading to depression and anxiety.

Additionally, people with sex addiction may face a decline in their intimate relationships. Sex addiction can also influence a person to feel less connected with family members, leading to less engagement.

Sex addiction has few physical signs, but one major sign is a sudden sexually transmitted infection or fear of infection. Risky behaviors may prompt an individual to become more concerned about the risks of sex addiction. Unwanted or unexpected pregnancy also occurs.

Sex addiction also has repercussions on a work environment. People who are preoccupied with sexual addiction may suffer from low work performance.

What Can You Do About Sex Addiction?

If you feel powerless to sex or feel that your preoccupation with sex is negatively influencing your life, you could have a sex addiction. You may also have a problem if you feel that sex is making your life impossible to manage, perhaps because you are feeling intense guilt or shame.

Counseling and other therapeutic options are available for individuals who live with sex addiction and may need some help getting through it. Call an adult counseling center today to learn more about your options for healing.
