Tips For Surviving A Panic Attack

According to Psychology Today, approximately one million Americans suffer a panic attack each month. Panic attacks can be crippling and can make the suffer feel like they are suffocating, about to faint, or are even dying. These attacks only last a few minutes, but when you are in the midst of a panic attack, it can feel like they last a lifetime.

Here are a few tips to help you get through a panic attack.

Recognize the Signs of a Panic Attack

Individuals with a panic disorder often don't realize they are in the middle of a panic attack because they aren't aware of the signs, or because they have an undiagnosed panic disorder. Here are a few of the most common symptoms of a panic attack:

  • Feeling you are faint or dizzy
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Trouble breathing
  • Feeling of terror
  • Numbness in your extremities

Understanding the symptoms of panic disorders and recognizing you are experiencing these symptoms can help you get through your panic attack. While you are experiencing a panic attack, remind yourself that these are temporary symptoms and that they will pass.

Breathe Deeply and Distract Yourself

Take some time to relax while you are in a panic attack. Sit down in a quiet room and take a few deep breaths. Your therapist can give you some deep breathing techniques, such as breathing in through your nose, holding your breath for a few minutes, and then exhaling through your mouth slowly.

Finding a distraction, such as enjoying your favorite funny movie or playing a game of solitaire, can help refocus your attention on something other than your panic symptoms. Taking a walk and getting some fresh air is another option. However, if you are feeling lightheaded, take it easy to avoid falling.

Talk to Your Therapist

Finally, if you are having trouble controlling the symptoms of your panic attacks, if the attacks are occurring more frequently, or you simply want to find a way to stop the attacks before they start, talk to your therapist to discuss your options. For example, your therapist may recommend a prescription medication to help you find relief.

Talk therapy can also be helpful because it allows you to understand the reason why you are having these panic attacks. Your therapist can also devise unique solutions to help you get through your future panic attacks.

Panic attacks are a common issue that can devastate a person's life. Understanding the symptoms of an attack and talking to your therapist can help you manage any future panic attacks. For more information, reach out to clinics like the Eddins Counseling Group.
