4 Tools To Help You Manage Your Anxiety

Living with an anxiety disorder can complicate your life. You may find day-to-day activities difficult and find that you're tired easily. However, your anxiety does not need to hold you back. With hard work and perseverance, you can live a full and productive life. Here are four tools that can help you manage your anxiety:

1. Mindfulness Techniques

Mindfulness techniques can go a long way in combating anxiety. Anxiety often begins with a single anxious thought that spirals out of control as you begin to worry about your anxiety. The next time you find yourself becoming anxious, stop and notice the feeling. Don't try to stop your anxiety; just become aware of it. Allow the thought to come and go without judgment. By paying attention to your thoughts and emotions in this way, you can minimize your anxiety levels over time.

2. An Emotional Support Animal

Many people who suffer from anxiety find that an emotional support animal alleviates their anxiety. Dogs are common emotional support animals, but most animals can fit the bill. Cats, birds, and even rats can make excellent support animals. Emotional support animals can provide company when you're feeling anxious. Unlike with humans, you never need to worry about saying the wrong thing to your emotional support animal. Caring for your animal can also provide you with concrete tasks to focus on, such as feeding and walking your pet; this can interrupt your anxiety cycle and help you find relief.

3. Social Support

Social support is vital for everyone, but it's especially necessary for people suffering from anxiety. People suffering from anxiety often isolate themselves, sometimes because they're ashamed of their condition. You don't need to tell everyone about your anxiety, but it can be helpful to have one or two people to talk to about your struggles. Choose trusted people to confide in. They can encourage you, and as a result, you'll feel less alone.

4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

It's worthwhile to find a therapist who specializes in anxiety counseling. Many types of talk therapy are helpful for people with anxiety, but cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as CBT, provides remarkable results. Sufferers of anxiety sometimes develop erroneous negative beliefs about themselves or the world in general. According to Mayo Clinic, CBT can help you identify false or unhealthy thought patterns. Your anxiety counselor will then help you replace old, maladaptive thought patterns with newer, healthier coping mechanisms.

Contact an anxiety counseling service like Lehigh Valley Counselors for more information.
