Why Choose EMDR Online Therapy?

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a complicated anxiety condition that can arise when a person has undergone a traumatic event. Some people associate PTSD with soldiers. While military personnel can suffer from PTSD, civilians can also be affected by this mental health condition. You may develop PTSD from a single traumatic event or a prolonged abusive situation. 

People with PTSD can benefit from a special type of therapy called eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Fortunately, a therapist can provide remote EMDR therapy. Here are four reasons to choose EMDR online therapy.

1. Stop allowing trauma to control your life.

PTSD can alter a person's brain. People with this condition may have exaggerated startle responses, and they may find themselves in a state of constant vigilance, unable to relax. PTSD is harmful because it can lead to increased stress levels. It can even manifest as agoraphobia or cause strained relationships. EMDR is an effective way to deal with your trauma. By undergoing trauma-focused therapy, you can begin to heal, so you can take back control of your life.

2. Meet with your therapist as often as necessary.

Many people see their therapist weekly at the beginning of a therapeutic relationship. However, people with severe PTSD may need therapy more frequently. Online therapy makes it easy to meet with your therapist, even when you're very busy. You'll save time by skipping lengthy commutes. Instead, you'll be able to connect with your therapist via video chat. All you need to participate in EMDR online therapy is an internet connection, a compatible device, and a quiet room. Your therapist will help you find an EMDR therapy schedule that will benefit you.

3. Reduce the frequency and severity of your flashbacks.

People with PTSD sometimes experience flashbacks. Flashbacks can occur in response to triggers; if something reminds you of your past trauma, you may find yourself reliving it in vivid detail. Sometimes flashbacks can occur without warning. EMDR is excellent for trauma treatment because it can help you reprocess harmful memories. During EMDR therapy, your therapist will ask you to recall a painful memory while moving your eyes quickly back and forth. Connecting the traumatic memory to a new action can neutralize it, breaking some of its hold over you.

4. Return to the activities you love.

Untreated PTSD can lead to agoraphobia and other avoidant behaviors. People naturally try to avoid situations that make them anxious. Unfortunately, avoidant behaviors can make you miss out on your favorite activities. Treating your condition with EMDR online therapy will help you find the confidence you need to start doing the things you love again.
